Selasa, 27 September 2016

Jual Blouse Tenun Kombinasi Bulu-Bulu Di Instagram

Blouse tenun kombinasi bulu-bulu ini akan menjadikan penampilan berbusana anda dalam menggunakan kain tenun ikat tradisioal semakin cantik dan menawan untuk anda.
Yukz kami tunggu komentar anda beserta reviwnya di jual blouse tenun kombinasi bulu-bulu di Instagram

Rabu, 07 September 2016

Jual Model Blouse Tenun Terbaru 2016

Jual Model Blouse Tenun Terbaru 2016

Model-model baju tenun seperti blouse, blazer, dress dan kemeja saat ini hampir sama penjualannya dengan aneka baju batik, sudah sama-sama ngetrend di jalannya masing-masing. Namun saat ini toko kain tenun ariyani kebanjiran order untuk model blouse tenun terbaru 2016 yang selalu saja setiap hari ada pesanan tersebut walaupun mau antri untuk mendapatkannya.
Toko kain tenun ariyani jual model blouse tenun terbaru 2016 dengan harga terjangkau kualitas kota terbaik untuk dapat mendukung penampilan anda berbusana tenun berkualitas asli tradisional.
Trend Model Blouse Tenun Terbaru 2016 ini memang di dominasi oleh kain tenun ikat blanket yang merupakan jenis kain tenun tebal dengan motif yang unik, antik namun tetap cantik untuk anda jadikan Model Blouse Tenun Terbaru 2016 seperti gambar diatas. Silahkan pilih beberapa Model Blouse Tenun dan baju tenun lainnya di website jual tenun ini dari toko kain tenun ariyani jepara.

Cara Memilih Model Blouse Tenun Terbaru 2016

Model Blouse Tenun Terbaru 2016 memang saat ini menjadi trend, namun perlu anda ketahui bahwa untuk tetap eksis dan bisa narsis dengan teman-teman anda harus tahu jenis tenun apa yang sedang ramai di pakai saat ini, seperti gambar ini adalh tenun blanket yang di pakai untuk membuat Model Blouse Tenun Terbaru 2016 tersebut, tenun ini memiliki keunggulan tebal, namun perlu anda ketahui kain tenun blanket ada dua jenis yang kasar dan halusan. Jika anda memilih yang kasar tentu saat menjahitkan untuk menjadi blouse tenun harus anda pakai bahan tambahan fooring agar nyaman untuk anda kenakan. Namun jika bahan blouse tenun terbaru 2016 ini menggunakan blanket halusan tidak perlu bahan tambahan, akan tetapi jika anda mengingkannya silahkan gunakan bahan fooring yang bagus sekalian. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi kami.

Harga Blouse Tenun Terbaru Model 2016

Toko kain tenun merupakan pengrajin tenun troso jepara yang membuat beragam kain tenun ikat tradisional dan busana tenun serta baju batik modern untuk para pecinta tenun dan batik nusantara. Kami menjual secara grosir maupun ecer segala produk kami termasuk Model Blouse Tenun Terbaru 2016 ini dengan harga super terjangkau dan dengan mudah. Harga blouse tenun atau baju-baju tenun di kota besar bisa mencapai 500 hingga jutaan rupiah dan menunggu lama, namun di toko tenun kami hanya maksimal 2 minggu hingga 1 bulan saja dengan harga paling mahal 400 ribuan untuk jenis bahan tenun blanket pada Model Blouse Tenun Terbaru 2016 ini. Silahkan pesan sekarang juga hanya dengan menghubungi kontak kami sebagai berikut :
Add Pin : 27FFE2D3
Phone : 087733741848
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Twitter : @Tokokaintenun1
facebook : Toko kain tenun
IG : toko_kain_tenun
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Kami akan melayani anda dengan baik demi kepuasan anda untuk memiliki busana tenun dan kain tenun ikat tradisional asli bukan mesin hanya dari toko kain tenun ariyani. Selamat berbelanja

Senin, 05 September 2016

Grosir Blouse Tenun Murah Berkualitas

Grosir Blouse Tenun Murah Berkualitas

Toko kain tenun merupakan salah satu toko tenun terpercaya asli jepara yang mempunyai beragam bahan kain tenun ikat tradisional untuk dapat anda jadikan busana tenun seperti dress tenun, blouse tenun murah, kemeja tenun, blazer tenun dan masih banyak model baju tenun dan batik berkualitas di toko kami ini.
Add Pin : 27FFE2D3
Phone : 087733741848
Email :
Twitter : @Tokokaintenun1
facebook : Toko kain tenun
IG : toko_kain_tenun
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Untuk saat sekarang yang banyak di cari adalah blouse tenun murah berkualitas asli kain tenun tradisional seperti ini, banyak model yang telah kami uplod di website jual tenun ini, sehingga anda dapat memilih sesuai selera dan motif untuk gaya percaya diri anda saat beraktifitas dengan memakain blouse tenun murah berkualitas.
Toko tenun kami juga melayani grosir kain tenun dan grosir blouse tenun murah berkualitas serta baju-baju tenun murah berkualitas asli tenunan tangan tradisional asli dari troso jepara. Silahkan hubungi kami segera di kontak yang telah tersedia di website jual tenun ikat terbaru ini.

Baju Dress Tenun Ikat Murah

Baju Dress Tenun Ikat Murah Di Toko Kain Tenun

Toko kain tenun ariyani jual baju dress tenun ikat dengan aneka motif seperti gambar diatas menggunakan bahan kain tenun endek dengan motif kalimantan terbaru. Baju dress tenun ikat ini kami buat untuk menjadi refrensi pilihan anda untuk gaya busana tenun terkini dan hanya ada di toko tenun kami. Harga jual baju dress tenun ikat motif kalimantan ini dari kami juga sangat terjangkau karena kami merupakan pengrajin tenun ikat langsung dari troso jepara yang membuat kain tenun untuk bahan baju dress tenun ikat terbaru dengan kualitas jahitan kelas ibu kota harga desa. Buruan order sekarang juga
Add Pin : 27FFE2D3
Phone : 087733741848
Email :
Twitter : @Tokokaintenun1
facebook : Toko kain tenun
IG : toko_kain_tenun
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Baju Dress Tenun Ikat Murah

Baju Dress Tenun Ikat Murah Di Toko Kain Tenun

Toko kain tenun ariyani jual baju dress tenun ikat dengan aneka motif seperti gambar diatas menggunakan bahan kain tenun endek dengan motif kalimantan terbaru. Baju dress tenun ikat ini kami buat untuk menjadi refrensi pilihan anda untuk gaya busana tenun terkini dan hanya ada di toko tenun kami. Harga jual baju dress tenun ikat motif kalimantan ini dari kami juga sangat terjangkau karena kami merupakan pengrajin tenun ikat langsung dari tenun troso jepara yang membuat kain tenun untuk bahan baju dress tenun ikat terbaru dengan kualitas jahitan kelas ibu kota harga desa. Buruan order sekarang juga
Add Pin : 27FFE2D3
Phone : 087733741848
Email :
Twitter : @Tokokaintenun1
facebook : Toko kain tenun
IG : @tokokaintenunariyani
Website :

Whymzical Wijabz

I started wearing hijab five years ago after my daughter Layla who was eleven years old at the time approaced me one day after she woke up and told me she would like to wear the hijab. I told her she has three days to think about why she wants to wear it and three days later we both made the decision that would bring us closer to Allah (S), wearing hijab

2) You are the founder of WhymzicalWijabz - tell us more about your company. Where did the idea come from?
Whymzical Wijabz is my fifth child. Seeing my seven year old daughter Leah last September beginning the school year in a new grade with a personality larger than life strong enough not to care about her friends judging her and criticizing her about her hijab I knew it was do or die. I needed to prove to her that it will only make you stronger and build the connection everyone longs for. Right then was when I knew if I don't do something for all the Leah's in today's world I have failed my ummah. I ran with that intention. I knew I needed these young Muslim American girls to love Allah (S) and see the beauty in everything Allah (S) has created including the hijab. I asked Allah (S) and I received a journey of a lifetime. Whymzical Wijabz. Why Whymzical? Leah is whymiscal. Why Wijabz? She whipped it on wherever she went. Each Whymzical Wijab references Surahs in the noble Quran and are paired with crayons and an Islamic coloring book with facts about Surahs, and words from the Quran built to uplift and instill confidence and reassurance that there is a reason for their existence and love for all the above. It gives them a visual outlet and most importantly a deep connection with Allah and allows them to see the beauty in the most honorable crown around, the hijab.

3) How do you hope to change the way in which hijab is introduced to young girls through Whymzical Wijabz?
In the same way we say La Illaha Illa Allah and believe in the oneness of Allah and build more of a relationship with Him because of how merciful Allah is with his creation, I hope Whymzical Wijabz will forge a connection between young girls and wearing the hijab. In the same way we water plants and they grow and flourish, I hope our young girls will be introduced to hijab in the most effective way possible - through love.

4) In your opinion, what is the biggest challenge facing the Muslim ummah today?

Understanding the true characteristics of Islam and that it was never about you - rather, it has always been about us as a whole, as one ummah as brothers and sisters in Islam.

5) If you could tell your 20 year old self one thing, what would it be?

That everything is part of Allah's divine plan. Once you acknowledge that your journey was written by Al Rahman it will help you understand and make you stronger for what's to come in your life. That this life is a journey Allah (S) prescribed in order for us to continually turn back to the Creator.

We work with select suppliers and believe in fair trade

We work with select suppliers and believe in fair trade

In a world of fast fashion, we practice "intentional retail." Fast fashion is the second dirtiest industry in the world, next to big oil. Rather than contributing to the problem, we aim to be part of the solution. Each year, millions of tons of unused fabric at Chinese mills alone go to waste each year when dyed the wrong color. The toll this waste takes on the environment is devastating. We aim to be part of the solution by utilizing these discarded fabrics. Rather than sitting in a landfill, we make them into hijabs! We work with trusted fabric suppliers who source these abandoned fabrics. I've had the pleasure of getting to know these suppliers intimately for the past four years in Dubai. They are some of the most hard working and trustworthy men I know. Bonus, they're Muslim!

Our hijab prints and solids are hand-selected and vigorously quality checked

Rather than producing every print under the sun in high volumes in an effort to drive sales, we are very intentional about every print stitched. That being said, certain prints are available in limited quantities. Since the majority of the fabric we work with are abandoned fabrics, what you see is what you get. It's near impossible to find the exact print again - because it was produced once and never again. I also do my utmost to provide only the most beautiful prints available. For every fifty prints I see, I typically choose only one or two to become a Haute Hijab.

We're firm believers in quality over quantity.

In an effort to mitigate the effects of fast fashion including waste, exploitation, environmental havoc and needless consumerism, we pride ourselves on producing high-quality products that last. At Haute Hijab, longevity and craftsmanship are highly valued. That means you can buy one Haute Hijab and wear it in the same time frame you would have needed to purchase two or three cheaper hijabs. Less turnover means less waste and contributes to living a more environmentally (and financially) responsible lifestyle.

We introduce new products in limited quantities in order to gather feedback and tweak if necessary.

We love growing our product offering in order to give you more of what you want. At times, these new products and colors are a huge hit and sell out in record time. At others, they sell much slower, which tells us there's something we need to do better in order to improve and try again. Either way, you play a crucial part of the Haute Hijab story and the evolution of our products. We take your feedback very seriously and work very hard to give you more of what you love. We hear you - whether it's via e-mail, on snapchat, instagram, facebook or word of mouth, we're all ears, all the time. Bottom line - talk to us! In the meantime, here's what you can do to get your hands on the
We release a new collection of hijabs every Tuesday at 6am EST.

That's right - every Tuesday. If there's a print you're eyeing (because you saw it on my Instagram or Snapchat), we highly recommend you get on the site at 6am to make sure you snag it. Mad props to all you HH addicts that set 6am (3am on the west coast) alarms - we see you ;) If shopping online at 6am isn't your thing, then make sure you're subscribed to our newsletter to receive a reminder e-mail on Tuesday when the new collection goes live.

If you have your eye on something - snag it. Don't wait.

This is especially true when it comes to prints. Chances are, the next time you're on the site, that same print will be gone. In exceptional circumstances, the print may return, but don't bank on it. More than likely that print is long gone. So if you fall in love at first sight - don't wait! You can always return it if you change your mind later.

See a solid color you love? It may not return.

Same applies for solids whether it's our Perfect Everyday Scarves and Wraps, Premium Jersey Wraps, Perfect Satin Scarves and Wraps, Woven Viscose Wraps or Modal Maxi Wraps. Like prints, certain solid colors may never return, so if there's a solid color you know will look perfect on you - grab it while you can.

Get on our wait list!

When an item does sell out before you're able to snag it, click on the "Notify Me When Available" link on that product page. You'll be notified if the print returns or if we get a few back in stock as a result of customer returns. When these lists grow, it lets us know that there's high-demand of a certain print or color, which in turn allows us to look for the same or similar print or color.

Talk to us! We *love* hearing from you!

Know that you can always reach out to us as well! Our amazing customer support staff may be able to set something aside for you if we happen to have the product you're looking for. If it's gone for good we can recommend something similar we know you'll love. Bottom line, we are here for you! Questions, comments? E-mail anytime. We're always here to help